The Fults - Cape May Family Shoot
It isn't often you find a lifelong friend, but when you do, you would do well to hold on to that friendship, for as long as you can. I met my friend James as a freshman in highschool. We became fast friends, he was like a big brother to me, and amazingly, many years later, I am still able to call him a very dear friend. James joined the Marines out of high school, and went to boot camp, and then toured in the middle east. In the middle of all of that, he started dating Lillena, and in the summer of 2009, they were married. Lillena is such a great person as a whole, and they compliment each other better than most people I know. She's funny, smart, and has an amazing heart, and now that they've had one of their own, it is so easy to see the AMAZING mother that she is.
Matthew will be 3 in a little over a month, and I was very honored to take these pictures for my friends. Enjoy!