The Susan G. Komen 3-DAY for the Cure - NJ Photography
Folks, know that this post is a little different than the typical post you will see on Kaylyn Ivy Photography. Instead of dresses made of white, here you will see photos of people decked out in all shades pink. Today is October 31st, marking the final day the Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Almost every year for the past six years, I have walked the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure in Philadelphia. This year I was crazy enough to bring along my camera, and I was pretty glad that I did.
I hope you enjoy these photos, as they are a tribute to all of the walkers, and survivors, and fighters, and those who have passed away. Thank you to everyone who made my walk this year possible, I honestly am so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.

In previous years, I walked in memory or in honor of others. This year, my big push, and my reason for walking came from needing to take care of me. My Aunt, who is currently battling stomach cancer, tested positive a few months for the e-chadherin gene, a rare, but pretty deadly stomach cancer gene, also linked to breast cancer and colon cancer. This year, I walked because I will need testing for this gene, and so will the rest of my dad's side.

Many 3-dayers - myself included, walk and crew with the idea that if you can cure one, you are closer to finding a way to cure them all. While it may not be a one stop shop, it provides hope that one day, we will have cures for all of these types of cancer, and more.

While all 3-dayers AWESOME, this guy is in fact pretty cool. He posted a picture of himself wearing this apron - comparing himself to Mike Rowe, and got his attention! Soon, donations of all kinds started pouring in, and next thing we knew, it was like we had a celebrity on our hands!

This crew member in orange, deserves all the mention in the world. His name is David, and I met him officially at the 3-day reunion in 2010. David is a member of the Motorcycle Route Saftey crew in Philadelphia. He is hands down one of my biggest cheerleaders, and dearest friends. I am so honored to know him, and to have his support through all of these years. I literally would not have made it to the 3-day without him.

For those 3-dayers who don't know, this handsome fella is my dad. He is the popsicle guy, AKA the hot chocolate and chicken noodle soup guy. My dad didn't always know how to show his support for Breast Cancer Awareness - it means different things to different people, but over the past few years, he has moved me to tears with his acts of kindness. He continually puts others before himself, and now that he's found his niche in the Breast Cancer community (by sharing his fantastic cooking skills with all of us pink people), it's a beautiful thing. I am so lucky to be able to call this guy dad.

Thanks for looking everyone! If you'd like more information on how you can help in the breast cancer community, feel free to contact me, or go to, if you think you're up for this 60 mile challenge!