Steph's 2016 Spring Shoot! Spring Lake, NJ Photographer | Kaylyn Ivy Photography | NJ Photographers
About once a year, I get together with a good friend of mine (Steph), and we get together and make some camera magic! Starting as my first shoot a few years ago and all the way 'till now, we've come up with a shoot idea and run with it! When we started thinking about this year's shoot, I asked her if she was interested in trying out a milk bath shoot, after I had seen so many beautiful images painted across Pinterest! Thankfully, she agreed, and I am happy to share the following images with you!
For anyone else who may attempt to shoot a milk bath shoot, or is curious about the process we took to get the milk in the tub, we used one box of dried milk, and then filled the tub with warm water, and mixed. The warm water did start to foam up a little, but we got the bubbles by her feet. It was more important that we did not get her sick than it was to not have bubbles!

Interested in having a milk bath shoot of your own? Reach out to for more information!