Wedding Albums - What's the point in the social media generation (AKA the "forgotten generation")?
So, you're getting married, or maybe you've gotten married recently. If you're in the planning stages, you're in the middle of making a million and one choices, and more often than not, they're costing you a fairly sized penny. If you've planned a wedding, and are recently married, you likely are skimming through your wedding photos and reliving the day that it was - the way your mom looked at you when they finally sowed you into the dress or the crazy dance party that took place later that night. In either case, you're either preparing to, or have already shared your wedding photos on all of the various social media outlets that you go to - facebook, instagram, etc.
And then what?
Do you go back in the following weeks and go through them again? What about the following years? What about - heaven forbid - if facebook becomes non-existent?
There are many out there who refer to our generation (those of us with our smartphones pretty much surgically attached to our hands) as the forgotten generation, and when you think about it, it's not hard to see why. Generations before us had something physical to hand down for years and years, where these days, all we do is put them online. When you think about it, what will we have to hand our grandchildren 50 years from now? Our facebook passwords to log on and check things out? Probably not. We are forgotten because there are no physical artifacts to share with our kids, and their kids, and we've done it to ourselves.
For this reason, I encourage you to print your photos, put them on your walls, and put them in albums. Whether you're a client of mine, or a reader looking for some sort of wed-spiration, print those memories out. Come 10, 20, or 50 years from now, share them with your kids, maybe your grandkids and create some new memories.
Here's where the sale-pitch comes in (I'd say I'm sorry to do it, but they're so pretty I couldn't wait to share!). I'm happy to introduce my new album options available with Kaylyn Ivy Photography. There are two options available, my new and updated linen kiss album and my new and updated leather legends album. While my previous album options have been awesome (I love them still!) the craftsmanship in these are unbeaten! For those who already have albums in your wedding day packages, these would be available at a discounted upgrade! For those of Kaylyn Ivy Photography's wedding day clients who do not already have albums in your packages or are looking to add on after your wedding, these would also be discounted as well!
And now, because they need no further introductions: