PUPPIES! Mary and Tom introduce their new puppies Riley and Rogue | Cooper River Park | NJ Photographers | Kaylyn Ivy Photography
Guys, hold onto your heartstrings, I'm about to introduce to you some of the most awesome puppies I've met so far. Riley and Rogue are the proud owners of Mary and Tom (wait...), and came home in April. When Mary told me that she wanted to have a family shoot with the two of them, honestly, how could I resist?
Mary is a friend of mine, who I have known for many years, starting with band back in High School, eventually refinding each other at TGIFridays where we both worked, and have stayed in touch over the past few years. Watching her interact with Tom was something else, they joke around with each other quite like my husband would with me, so it was great to be able to capture it!
Riley and Rogue were extremely well behaved, though every now and again Riley would try to eat her flower crown, and that's okay! A word to anyone who is considering bringing their pup to a photo shoot, remember to have someone along to help! Also, treats (like Mary and Tom brought for their puppies) help get the attention of our little (or big) subjects! And now, without further introductions, I present you with Rogue and Riley!